Diversity Divided

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Civil Rights
The late philosopher and intellectual historian Sir Isaiah Berlin (1909-1997), one of the most prominent political thinkers of the 20th century, made an important statement about what has become known as 'Multiculturalism': We are urged to look upon life as affording a plurality of values, equally ultimate, above all equally objective; incapable, therefore, of being ordered in a timeless hierarchy, or judged in terms of some one absolute standard. He distinguishes such pluralism from relativism, …

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…Multicultural Mistake." The McGraw-Hill Reader: Issues Across the Disciplines. Ed. Gilbert H. Muller 9th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2006. Berlin, Isaiah. "Berlin's Definition of Value Pluralism." http://berlin.wolf.ox.ac.uk Sen, Amartya. "A World Not Neatly Divided." The McGraw-Hill Reader: Issues Across the Disciplines. Ed. Gilbert H. Muller 9th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2006. The U.S. Census Bureau. http://www.census.gov Daily News. "Do birds of a feather 'work' together?" http://dailynews.com