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Essay Database > History
Casey Knapp Dr. Jordan Humanities 002 4/27/98 Diversity in the American Society For years America has been considered a "melting pot" containing people of all backgrounds who have come to this land to make a new start as one. The promise of America was the promise of equal opportunity - regardless of class, religion or ethnic origin. "However, Native Americans had been forced off to reservations, African Americans left the segregated South to find themselves living in …

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…Community. Ed. Dolores la Guardia and Hans P. Guth. Mouhntain View, CA: Mayfile Publishing Co., Third Edition, 1998. 101-107. 4. Milk, Harvey. "A City of Neighborhoods." American Voices: Culture and Community. Ed. Dolores la Guardia and Hans P. Guth. Mouhntain View, CA: Mayfile Publishing Co., Third Edition, 1998. 113-117. 5. Quindlen, Anna. "The Mosaic vs. The Myth." American Voices: Culture and Community. Ed. Dolores la Guardia and Hans P. Guth. Mouhntain View, CA: Mayfile Publishing Co., Third Edition, 1998. 85-87.