Diverse Workforce.

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
Companies worldwide are training employees to work in a diverse workforce and on organization behavior to assist employees to understand diverse behaviors. The global competitive market is growing rapidly, and companies are focusing their business strategies on merging their organization into this growing market to stay competitive in the business world. Cost and time efficiency for companies that merge together with new technologies, culture, race, age, and gender requires building these diversities by implementing educational …

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…Baldwin, D. (2005, Jan.). Effective Education for the Diverse Workforce. Chief Learning Officer, 4(1), 5, 44. Cook, J. L. (2001, July). THE ROLE OF THE COMPANY OFFICER IN MANAGING DIVERSITY. Fire Engineering, 154(7), 82. Engineering Workforce Commission, 2001 http://ewc-online.org/data/enrollments_data.asp Personnel Today (2004, Oct. 5). Young and Old Fail to See Eye to Eye. Personnel Today Skills and Education Network. Learning and Skills Council. (2005, Mar.). Understanding Diversity in the Workplace (Feature3 ed.). Learning Skill and Cousler Website. Wikipedia, 2001, Wikipedia Encyclopedia