Disuniting of America Multicul

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Religion
The Disuniting of America Reflections on a Multicultural Society By Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr. After reading the book than Shlesinger realizes, I have to say that it was interesting and admit that I agree with most of the views about multicultural society and multicultural education in US. Its discusses the movement in America to disaggregate our nation into ethnic and gender subgroups. I will give a brief summary of each chapter of what the author, …

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…and African slaves too, but it doesn't mean that we reject our Spanish heritage. We identify our self as unique because our mix of races and we learn about our roots that build our nationality. We feel proud of all the contribution that all this different culture made to us and it holds us together. Some of us are more white than others but we still been Puerto Rican, not matter the color of skin.