Dispersion of the Jews: Are the Jews a rootless group of people?

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The Dispersion of Jews. Through out history, lots of rulers and nations have oppressed their Jewish population, by trying to massacre them. They have tried to eliminate them by expelling them from the land or by plain old genocide. Jews were constantly expelled from everywhere they went. They were even expelled from their homeland and where ever it was they went to live. The Jewish dispersion started under the Roman Empire, the Jews were scattered …

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…hope for any group that is being oppressed today. They show that you can face adversities, be persecuted, but can never be totally conquered without your permission. REFRENCES: Greenstein, Howard R. 1981. Turning Point: Zionism and Reform Judaism. California: Scholars Press. Waxman, Chaim. 1983. America's Jews in Transition. Philadelphia: Temple University Press. Seltzer, Robert M. 1989. Judaism: A people and its History. New York: Macmillan Publishing Press. Www.wfu.edu/~sinclair/dreyfus.htm. <Tab/>