Disorder of Donnie Darko, choose a movie with a main character that has a psychological disorder and give a full diagnosis.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Psychology
Donnie Darko is an almost confusing film about time travel, schizophrenia and the manipulation of one's fate. The film focuses on a teenage schoolboy named Donnie Darko. Donnie is not mentally healthy but he is very intelligent and has extremely high Iowa test scores. He also has a tendency to hallucinate and do destructive things when sleepwalking, such as flooding his school and burning down a house, due to this he is on strong medication …

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…schizophrenics are unable to function in the real world. If they fall victim to severe hallucinations and delusions, as Donnie does, they can be a danger to themselves and those around them. This is greatly illustrated by Donnie being forced to take his medicines, and causing harm to others such as when he shoots the kid who hit his girlfriend and flooding the school. It is rather evident that Donnie Darko suffers from paranoid schizophrenia.