Disorder and Rebellion in Tudor England: History Revision Notes on The reign of Henry VII - includes The Battle of Bosworth, The problem of the Nobility, Later Challenges and a Conclusion

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Securing the dynasty: The reign of Henry VII The Battle of Bosworth <Tab/>The War of Roses had divided the political nation, creating two sides, as factionalism at court had spilled over into conflict in the countryside. <Tab/>It is against the background of such disorder in daily life that the challenge of Henry Tudor must be considered. <Tab/>Henry …

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…lt;Tab/>The greatest challenge was that of Simnel, however it is important not to exaggerate the dynastic threat facing Henry. <Tab/>Throughout his reign Henry was concerned about the security of his throne. This was largely due to him having seized the throne by force. If he could take the crown by force then so could others, particularly if they could secure the support of foreign powers.