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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Was Lurie a man to be condemned? This book is about David Lurie, a successful professor, who is 52 years old. He's divorced twice and he doesn't seem to get over it very well. It looks like he sees women as his own possessions, but whenever there is a woman with self-esteem, he describes her as unattractive. He may does this, because he knows that he is weaker than her and he is afraid that she …

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…understand the pain he caused. She shows him that he did very bad things, but if he really wants to make up for them, he can do that by helping other people. He can never turn back the time, but he can make sure, that other women don't have to make the same painfull experience like her or Melanie. But only if he really tries to help, he is not a man to be condemned.