Diseases In 19th Century America

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Essay Database > History > North American History
<Tab/>The average American was susceptible to many infectious diseases during the 1800's. Because the spread of disease and pathology itself were not adequately understood until the late 1800's(major epidemics continued to occur into the 1900's, however), and the practice of medicine was relatively primitive, the average life expectancy was very low. Many epidemics occurred in the new and thriving industrial centers of America, where rapid urbanization had not provided …

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…leeches. <Tab/><Tab/> In conclusion, the 19th century gave rise to devastating epidemics of infectious disease in America, and the world, but it also gave rise to a pathological enlightenment. With the germ theory, and discoveries put forth by scientists such as Robert Koch, Carlos Finlay, Charles Alphonse Laveran, and Edward Trudeau the endemic and epidemic diseases of the world could now be better understood and prevented.