Disease:Bubonic Plauge and Small Pox and Aids

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Essay Database > History > Asian History
DISEASE Language, religion, customs, holidays, beliefs, all of these things come to mind when we think about cultures colliding with each other. It's very easy to spread disease when people are interacting with each other from different parts of the world. You never know where people are from or what kind of people they live around. Disease is probably one of the scariest things when cultures meet and interact because there are a lot of …

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…Even though AIDS doesn't need another country to come into America and spread it, it's still as deadly and severe as any of the diseases that have been spread in the past. So, when you think about cultures colliding and interacting with each other, think about how easy it is for someone to just come in and give you a deadly disease. The spread of these deadly epidemics was only one result of cultures colliding.