Discussion of the representation of masculinity in the Arthur Miller's 'A View From the Bridge', considering the extent to which the male characters are more acted upon than acting.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Masculinity is a prevalent theme in Arthur Miller's A View From The Bridge. The four leading male characters in the play; Eddie, Rodolpho, Marco and Alfieri; each play different roles and different types of men. Miller has represented men and masculinity in an unforgiving light in the play. It appears that it is men that confuse and create problems in the characters' lives. Each character's actions are effected by the conflicting forces of determinism, where …

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…to be acts of determinism. All three are trapped in gender roles, not wanting to appear weak. As Alfieri is more of an onlooker in the play, his actions are a result of freewill. Confident with his masculinity, he is able to decide what to do, not be forced into doing something. For this reason, the male characters in A View From The Bridge can be said to be predominantly more acted upon than acting.