Discussion of the inner struggle Henry Fleming faces - the difficulty faced during the progression into manhood.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
The Red Badge of Courage By Stephen Crane Bravery, valor, boldness, intrepidity are all synonyms of the word courage. For a man, courage is more apprehensive timidity than glorious expectance. Something as simple schoolyard brawl can define courage as lucidly as a war of attrition. Henry Fleming is racing towards the clarification of his own inner spirit in the throws of the American Civil War. Fighting against the "rebels," Henry has tremendous ambiguity over his …

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…fear was forgotten and the true Henry Fleming was found. "In the end Henry discovered that even in death there is life," Rafe Taylor, ZRM - Analysis, NYP, 1966. Henry Fleming did find life in this carnage. He found that anticipation of death is greater than the actual encounter. And yes, a boy did become a man. Works Cited 1)Crane, Steve Inside "The Red Badge of Courage" The Clarendon Press, 1971 2)Taylor, Rafe ZRM: An Analysis. NYP, 1966