Discussion of final Act of Macbeth as presented by Roman Polanski and Trevor Nunn.

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Essay Database > Literature
The final act of Macbeth has been presented very differently by Trevor Nunn and Roman Polanski, and both of their interpretations would have been very different to the Macbeth played in Shakespeare's times. Some of the differences are setting, character presentation, play interpretations, sequencing of events, theme portrayal and the use of lighting and special effects. The setting, costume and background of the two films are very different. Nunn's production of Macbeth has minimal settings, …

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…when something is on video, there is the expectation of the audience to see it as a film, with great sets and appearing to be realistic. Therefore, Nunn's production stands out in it's lack of setting and props. The final act of Macbeth had been presented very differently by Polanski, Nunn and Shakespeares' original play. Differences include setting, character presentation, play interpretations, sequencing of events, theme portrayal and the use of lighting and special effects.