Discussing the claim that in today's world the idea of a soveriegn nation is no longer relevant, due to globalisation and long range weapons etc.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Politics
"Today the idea of the sovereign nation state is no longer relevant." How persuasive is this claim? Today we live in a world of growing internationalism and globalisation. Economies are merging, and supranational bodies such as the United Nations and European Union effect the lives of almost all people on earth. While some applaud these relatively new developments, claiming these pave the route to a peaceful and the only viable method of political rule, others …

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…havoc with chemical and biological weapons, and must seek diplomatic support of other nations before pursuing its goals of destroying what it sees as a threat. Sovereignty means absolute and unlimited power. In today's modern societies, this notion is no longer applicable. External sovereignty is an ideal to which all nations aim, but in reality it is unreachable in an interdependent world, and the notion itself may lead to aggression between nations and oppression internally.