Discusses the Realtionship between the McCarthy Trials, "The Crucible", and "the Salem witchcarft trials".

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
In 1692 two girls from Salem accused people in their town of witchcraft. Around 1950 Joseph McCarthy, a senator from the US, accused people of supporting communism. Both events led to the scrutiny of innocent people. Trials were held and raised havoc in what use to be peaceful nations. In a time when terrorism is a threat, it becomes easy for people to accuse others of terrorism with little evidence. Most people can try and justify what …

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…a single person caused all the trepidation each time. Over time this single person scared people into agreeing with their cause. It got to the point where everyone was agreeing with all the trials and if you didn't agree you were judged guilty. The McCarthy trials and the Salem witchcraft trial were terrible, tragic events that had catastrophic results. Unfortunately we don't learn from history and have let an event like this happen many times.