Discuss with reference to style, language and narrative techniques, the main themes inherent in Muriel Sparks "The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie by Muriel Spark is a novel carefully constructed through the use of distinctive narrative techniques, style and language. These all contribute to the portrayal of the novels main political themes and ideas. One of the most significant passages in the novel is the walk through Edinburgh, where Miss Jean Brodie takes her pupils through the Old Town. This passage is important in the sense that it gives a clear …

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…eneral Franco. She has still caused the death of an innocent through her fascist views. Muriel Spark is essentially showing through the character of Miss Brodie, and the entire fascist set up that embodies the novel, just how dangerous even the smallest hints of fascism can be, and how it can lurk in the most unexpected places. Through just one woman half-heartedly teaching it in an Edinburgh school, one innocent girl ends up dead.