Discuss the ways in which your engagement with the construction of a character or characters in The Collector has contributed to your uderstanding of the text.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
As a reader I found that the characters in The Collector contribute to my understanding of the text. In The Collector by John Fowles, the reader's engagement with Miranda and Clegg helps them to understand Fowles idea of a class dominated society, in England during the 1960's. The Collector is a novel that compares the upper middle-class, where Miranda is placed in the societal ladder, and lower working class such as Clegg. Miranda belongs to …

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…is a novel that compares the upper middle-class, where Miranda is placed in the societal ladder, and lower working class such as Clegg. In summing up the Collector is a novel that constrasts the characters not only through their personalities, but also through their class which has had an influence on their characterisation. Personally I feel engaged with Miranda, and I personally side with her because I can relate to her social stature and characterisation.