Discuss the way in which the horror movies of the seventies were a direct comment on the Vietnam War, focusing specifically on "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre" and "Last House On The Left"

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<Tab/>"Mothra didn't scare me. Godzilla didn't scare me. It's people im afraid of."- <Tab/><Tab/><Tab/><Tab/><Tab/><Tab/><Tab/>Tobe Hooper1 <Tab/>In the documentary film The American Nightmare(2003, Adam Simon), a celebration and analysis of …

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…radical alternatives."21 <Tab/>Craven et al could put the monsters up on screen, show the world what was going on, but they had no answer as to how to remove them. The image of Leatherface, at the end of Texas..., waving his chainsaw maniacally above his head is one that endures, and encompasses everything the directors wanted to say. You can run away from it, but it will always be there.