Discuss the theme of suffering in Mary Shelly's 'Frankenstein', and P.B. Shelly's 'Alastor: or the spirit of solitude'

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by n KALSI Discuss the theme of suffering in Mary Shelly's 'Frankenstein' and P.B.Shelly's 'Alastor: Or the spirit of solitude'. The theme of suffering is best conveyed through the "solitary" aesthetic figure of the wanderer or vagrant. Romantic writers produced works revealing extremes of isolation and socialisation, creating 'either a wild beast or a god' and proving that although solitude can render knowledge, it can also be the cause of deep suffering. Mary …

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…Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft , Frankenstein; or, the Modern Prometheus,(D.L.Macdonald and Kathleen Scherf) 1999. 3.<Tab/>Duncan Wu, ed,. Romanticism: A Critical Reader, (Blackwell, 1995) 4.<Tab/>Butler, Marilyn, Romantics, Rebels and Revolutionaries: English Literature and its Background, 1760-1830,(Oxford University Press, 1981) 5.<Tab/>Goethe, J.W., The Sorrows of Young Werther(Penguin Books, 1985) 6.<Tab/>Furst, Lilian, European Romanticism, (Wayne State University Press, 1990).