Discuss the symptoms, possible causes and treatments of schizophrenia and/or depression

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Psychology
There are problems in diagnosing abnormality and mental illness because the diagnosis may be based on your sex and your place in society. For example you are more likely to be considered eccentric if you are from the upper classes, higher levels of mental well-being are found in the upper classes. The lower your social class the more you are at risk of having a mental problems. This is supported by (Cochrane and stopes roe 1980) …

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…only 33% of those in non depressed comparison groups. Although a strong association between depression and the experience of severe or stressful life events can be seen in this study, only about 20% of the women became seriously depressed either, people differ in their vulnerability to depression, or as Cochcrane (1983) proposes, that depression might be a coping strategy for women (compared with men's heavy drinking) and could be a more acceptable way for them to medicalise unhappiness.