Discuss the similarities and differences of Miller and Hawthorne's use of language in 'The Crucible' and 'The Scarlet Letter'. You should include in your answer reference to the importance of genre.

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Whilst 'The Crucible' and 'The Scarlet Letter' are two works of different genre, their subject matters are very similar; they both explore the effects of the restrictive nature of the Puritanical society present in 17th Century America. Interestingly, they both share common devices and styles, in that biblical diction is present in both, as is earthy language. However, the language used by Miller and Hawthorne is chosen to reflect their interpretations and opinions of the …

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…Miller and Hawthorne demonstrate two different approaches to a similar topic using two different genres and subsequently varying uses of diction and devices. Whilst Hawthorne adopts the more subtle allegorical style, Miller focuses more directly with drama on the characters and their emotions, which he relays through their dialogue. Their combinations of biblical and earthy diction effectively reflect the frictions evoked as the restrictive Puritanical laws meet with man's God-given free will. S. Hattersley (January 2003)