Discuss the role of History as a political mechanism for social control (reference to Brave New World and 1984

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
In both novels, Brave New World by Arthur Huxley and 1984 by George Orwell, the role of History is essential. History is an essential component to understand the present circumstances. The use of History is not to repeat mistakes from the past in the future. History plays an important role in both novels, however they are handled differently. In the Novel Brave New World by Arthur Miller, History is rejected and suppressed. One of the characters …

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…Both dystopian ideologies, Brave New World and 1984, cannot tolerate the true History. Orwell in particular showed how essential altered History is for the maintenance of the populations' morale values. Arthur Huxley showed in his novel, Brave New World, that History is potential to influence people to change their situation and circumstance. Through banning History, the theory of the past becomes non-existing. In conclusion, I can say that these totalitarian states handle History in self-benefiting way.