Discuss the quote "a memorable speech holds contemporary worth to society regardless of its time of presentation" with reference to 2 speeches of your choice.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
The speech is one of the best ways to convey an idea or opinion. The quote "a memorable speech holds contemporary worth to society regardless of its time of presentation" is indeed factual. Through vivid and compelling use of words, the speech gives the reader the exact feeling the author wanted. The speech "statement for a television program" by Denise Levertov and the speech "Spotty-Handed Villainesses" by Margaret Atwood makes great use of these devices. …

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…this sense, the situation of female oppression in Atwood's view is getting nowhere. This adds credibility to her argument against female oppression as it causes readers to relate to her through the use of imagery. In conclusion, a memorable speech is unlimited in its date of presentation. A memorable speech is one in which holds worth to present, past, and future societies as a memorable speech communicates a message relating to concerns of contemporary society.