Discuss the physiological changes that occur in humour

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
Topic 4 Discuss the physiological changes that occur in humour, differentiating between laughter and silent appreciation of humour. How strong is the research evidence for these physiological changes? Theories of humour Perspective from the humanities The humanities have been concerned with the nature of comedy and laughter. "Without laughter life on our planet would be intolerable" (Steven Allen, 1981) and the comedy had critics from ancient Greeks to present. Comedy relabels man's imperfection, leaves him more tolerant, …

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…H.I.(1972)Physiologcial correlates of humour. In J. H. Goldstein & P.E.McGhee (eds.), the psychology of humour, New York: Academic Press. Lefcourt, Herbert M (2001) Humour: the Psychology of living buoyantly Robinson, VM (1991) Humour and the health professions: the therapeutic use of humour in health care. Thorofare, N.J.: SLACK Robinson, V.M.(1970/78). Humour in nursing. In C. Carlson & B. Blackwell (eds.), Behavioural concepts and nursing interventon, 2nd Ed Philadelphia: Lippincott.