Discuss the major causes of the US Civil War.

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Essay Database > History > North American History
The differences between the North and South of the United States were substantial on the eve of the Civil War there were a number of factors that caused this. Each side detested each other due to a number of economic, social, political and cultural contrasts which led to an irrevocable disintegration of relations between the states in the years preceding 1861. Many have disagreed with the term Civil War because it was not a class struggle. …

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…Civil War such as tariff laws; they all focus around the foremost and major cause: slavery. Disputes over slavery had caused the Northern and Southern states to split and ultimately led to the formation of the Confederate States of America and Civil War. Bibliography: * Why the War Came Gabor S. Boritt (1996, Oxford University Press) * The Coming of the Civil War: 1837 - 1861 John Nirven (1990) * Major Problems in American History - Elizabeth Cobbs Hoffman and Jon Gjerde (2002)