Discuss the impact of societal change on family structures, functions and resources.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
The impact of societal change on family structures, functions and resources has become evident through, the acceptance of, same sex marriages/couples, sole parent, extended, foster, nuclear and defacto families, physical, economic, emotional, social, cultural, moral, spiritual, religious and adaptive lifestyles. Statistics from around the world are showing the changing views and perspectives on various roles in the family. It wasn't long ago in Australia, that births outside of marriage were considered to be unacceptable. …

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…the "breadwinners". The good old nuclear family, being 2.3 children, mother, father and a dog has a seemed to have disappeared, with the impact of societal change. People have begun to realise that they can be an individual family and that they do not have to identify and have the same religion, culture and beliefs as everybody else. I believe that the change in society on family structures, functions and resources has changed for the better.