Discuss the impact of Diem's and Ho Chi Minh's policies on Vietnam from 1954 until 1970?

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In the region collectively known as Vietnam, over 25 years of hostilities had been endured by the Vietnamese people, culminating in the midst of this conflict, the division of Vietnam into North and South as stated in the Geneva Accords. These now independent territories each had their own system of administration, vastly different in their beliefs, governing each of their 'nations' population. Between 1954 and 1970, the North's Ho Chi Minh, a communist, and the South's Ngo Dinh …

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…was required. The North's eventual victory in the war, due largely to Ho Chi Minh's legacy, and Diem's eventual demise on account of his own indiscretions and mistakes ultimately determine the success of their polices. But the impact, both positive and negative, that the respective government's policies had on Vietnam, in which Ho Chi Minh created and maintained a economically and socially stable nation contrasted with the volatile environment of the Diem government, is undeniable.