Discuss the impact and changes brought about by emotions in Summber Of The Seventeenth Doll by Ray Lawler

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Changes Brought About By Emotions Summer of the Seventeenth Doll by Ray Lawler Emotions are the most important aspect of a play. Most plays are based around the interpersonal-dynamic, and almost all of such relation is emotion-centered. Through the course of all plays, some kind of social change occurs, and emotions act as a catalyst in many such changes. The strongest of emotions in Ray Lawler's Summer of the Seventeenth Doll are those of pride, …

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…for instance, anger. However, every play is different, and the emotions that catalyze social transformation will change from play to play. As emotions have such an incredibly large part in real life, every single day of every person's life, they are emotionally affected. Therefore, emotions are a powerful catalyst for change in plays also. In Summer of the Seventeenth Doll, the greatest changes were inevitably going to come from the greatest of all emotions, love.