Discuss the establishment and development of the Chesapeake/Virigina colonies from the mid 1650s to 1763. How did they compare to those in the Spanish and French areas?

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North American British colonies were divided into New England, Middle and Southern. The Chesapeake/ Virginia region was extremely well established and developed from the 1650's to 1763. They had great relations with their parent countries and flourished in trade. It was quite different form the Spanish and French colonies in North America. The British had a much larger population than the French who by the 1680's only had about 10,000 settlers compared to the British 40,000 in 1670. Population …

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…Texas, and 9,000 in New Mexico. In Louisiana the French had 4,000 whites and 5,000 enslaved blacks. The Spanish and French colonies were extremely badly supplied by their parent nations which probably resulted in their size. Spanish used mostly Native Americans for their labor while the British and French relied mostly on African slaves. Due to the British colonies relationship with their parent country they continued to flourish and grow strongly and develop great trade with other countries.