Discuss the characterization and the role of Mumbi in the novel " A Grain of Wheat".

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
In the novel "A Grain of Wheat" written by Ngugi WA Thiong'o the character of Mumbi can be described as a beautiful and very influential figure for example "her eyes were soft and submissive and defiant". With her beauty and natural charisma she is used to link all the important themes, ideas, characters and even some of the symbols of the novel. Ngugi makes use of a number of different themes to convey his ideologies, …

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…not to tell anyone else the secret. To conclude Mumbi is "the most beautiful girl of all the eight ridges." She is respected and held in high regard by other characters and is an object of love and affection for some. Her predicament with her and Gikonyo is only a fault that all humans have in them. It can be excellently summed up by Oscar Wilde when he said, "I can resist everything except temptation."