Discuss the characterisation of Chris Guthrie in Lewis Grassic Gibbon's "Sunset Song" in relation to the main themes in the novel.

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Sunset Song, by Lewis Grassic Gibbon, is the story of a young Scottish peasant girl, Chris Guthrie, and her development from childhood to adulthood in the small farming village of Kinraddie. The principal theme of the novel is that of change. This is depicted through the eyes of Chris Guthrie whose stream of consciousness dominates the novel's narrative, although parts of it are written from Kinraddie's perspective, in the community voice. <Tab/&…

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…live on though it brings loss. Though the world will forget all that is lost, it will be preserved in her heart. It is this acceptance Gibbon gives her that completes her character in the final lines of the book: "...they'd the last of the light with them up there, and maybe they didn't need it or heed it, you can do without the day if you've a lamp quiet-lighted and kind in your heart."