Discuss how the composer uses techniques in order to portray a physical journey to the responder with reference to IMmigrant CHronicles by Peter Skryznecki and 3 other related texts

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
A physical journey is not simply the traveling from one place to another. While on a physical journey, you are able to gain knowledge and experience, which is one of the main aspects of an inner journey. In saying this we can see that with physical journeys, comes inner journeys. In our prescribed text, Immigrant Chronicles, Peter Skrzynecki shows a pessimistic view towards his journeys but it is because of these journeys that he was …

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…physical journey and its characteristics. I realized that you do not have to enjoy the journey you are on, but after your journey has ended and you look back on it, you realize how significant the journey really is. While on a journey, you learn and experience things that you may not have experienced before. This gives you a chance to develop as a person. Journeys are worthwhile as they are what make us grow.