Discuss how effectively Judith Beveridge has provoked thought in her poem 'Fox in the Tree Stump' by using themes, techniques etc.

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Essay Database > History
Judith Beveridge is a remarkable poet who has an astonishing talent of writing poems that closely reflect on life. Her intentions in writing the poem 'Fox in a tree stump' are to provoke thought on people. She has successfully accomplished this by conveying themes of life value, role of authority and human relations with animals through her rich use of language techniques including symbolism, metaphors and much more. Firstly, Beveridge has provoked much thought on …

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…The poet's use of juxtaposition in the line 'I was a child praying for the dark each time the sun caught my uncle's eye' provokes a lot of thought on people because it shows them how a child changes after having their innocence taken from them. In this line it is revealed that the child wants her uncle to be condemned to hell for making a child lose her innocence to get what he wanted.