Discuss how The Joy Luck Club deals with the generation gap between mothers and daughters.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
This is a story about four Chinese mothers and their four daughters which were born and brought up in America. It shows the mother/daughter relationship and their personal life. It is divided into four sections, the first and last are told by the three mothers and Jing - Mei Woo who's in charge of telling her mother's story after her recent death, and then the second and third sections are told by the four …

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…my point. To conclude, I opine that there is not much relevance in the generation gap between mother and daughter, it's more about the cultural difference, because, as you can see, mothers and daughters from the same culture don't differ as much as these do, they do have misunderstandings, but about less significant things such as cloth, relationships and food. Not about almost everything like the mothers and daughters in The Joy Luck Club did.