Discuss The Consequences And Cause Of Refugee

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Discuss The Consequences And Cause Of Refugee Problems In The Modern Wold. (The Final Essay Of The Term, Refugees are persons who have fled their country or been expelled from it and cannot or will not return, because of natural catastrophe, war or military occupation, or fear of religious, racial, or political persecution. Although refugees have existed throughout human history, the problem has assumed more importance in the 20th century. It is estimated that more …

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…the Afghan women, along the border of Pakistan who fear repression under the Taliban; the Iraqis scattered throughout the Middle-East following Iraq's invasion of Kuwait; somali Bantus who have been confined for as many as ten years in camps in Kenya and the Vietnamese, who worked with the American government during the Vietnam war, we would realize that refugees are victims of many circumstances and that we should help them in any way we can. .