Discuss Imagery in the 'Handmaid's Tale' by Margharet Atwood

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
There are two kinds of freedom: freedom to, and freedom from. Historically, women in the United States have fought philosophical battles in and out of the home to achieve "freedom to" and have been successful. But what if society suddenly took away these freedoms? What if American women were suddenly returned to their cloistered state of old in which their only freedom was the freedom from the dangers of the surrounding world? Then again, did …

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…of the Handmaid's Tale vividly employs the use of contrast between old and new so that readers may come to their own morals conclusions. It is obvious, though, from Offred's devastation that dehumanization of women for any purpose is reprehensible. Although this dystopian novel may seem like a fantasy, the politics it criticizes are very real. Atwood's images may never be captured on film, but they have just as many repercussions for an understanding reader.