Discuss Cathy's feeling for Heathcliff and Edgar. Why does Cathy choose Edgar? Link answer to the time the novel is set? What is Nelly's attitude? By Kala HarveyUK spellings.

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Cathy's feelings for Heathcliff can be summed up best by using her own words. "he's more myself than I am" Cathy goes on father than this by saying. "My love for Heathcliff resembles the eternal rocks beneath -- a source of little visable delight, but neccessary. Nelly I am Heathcliff" Cathy views her love for Heathcliff as a neccessity. She feels that she and Heathcliff are the same person. Cathy's feelings for Edgar are very …

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…better than Heathcliff. Nelly's attitude towards this is a realistic one. She realises that Cathy marrying Edgar could do more harm than good. She questions Cathy's motives for marrying Edgar and basically tells Cathy that her reason for 'loving' Edgar are not good enough. She seems to be trying to get Cathy to reject Edgar in favor of Heathcliff. Although with Edagr, Cathy would have security, wealth and power, with Heathcliff she would have love.