Discuss 3 postives and negatives for declaring English the offical language of the US. Discuss how such a policy might affect Politics, Business in America, and Education.

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I believe that there are many positive aspects of declaring English the official language of the United States. First of all I believe it would help our government save money. Almost everyone you go especially in government offices any form you fill out or poster you read on the wall is in both English and Spanish. The government could easily save money by making English the official language, requiring that people who wish to become …

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…to adopt new languages we lose more and more ability to communicate with one another. This will in turn eventually take its toll on our society and could cause it do decline. The more languages we continue to adopt the faster the toll will be taken. I do believe that English should be made the official language if for no other reason that to be able to communicate with other citizen better and more feely.