Discursive Essay on the Book "Gracey" by James Moloney. Essay Title: Gracey belongs in both the White and Black Worlds.

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There has been much speculation as to whether Gracey belongs in the black world or the white world. She goes to Hamilton College, a predominately white school, on an athletics scholarship. At first she dreads going to Hamilton and wishes she could live in Cunningham with her family. Eventually Gracey finds she fits in to Hamilton and prefers living in Brisbane her white friends rather than in Cunningham with her family. <Tab/&…

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…I believe she belongs in both. She knows the "dance" routine for living in the White World, and is once again happy and comfortable in the Black World. Gracey decides to return to Hamilton College despite some disapproval and hopes to study Law and fight for the Blacks in the courtroom. She also hints on writing Black history books to make it easier for people to find the information she fought so hard to uncover.