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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Computers and Cybernetics
African- Americans are being discriminated in their work place. "...Some of the white workers used to refer to us black people as "them people", "Boy" or even "Nigger..." One of the most common discriminations in our days is racism. No matter how much people try to repress it, it still stays a big issue in our lives. Very serious discrimination is happening in our days in America against African-Americans. "African-Americans" refer to 33 million people who …

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…long way to go. And even you can help us to achieve this path just by speaking out against racism. And maybe with your help less black people would hear this type of questions: "how dark? Are you dark or very light?" ("Telephone Conversation" by Wole Soyinka). So please don't hesitate and just speak out! If u have any particular questions you could also contact us on this email: say_no_to_rasicm hotmail.com.