Discrimination in women and Hispanic and Native Americans

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Essay Database > History
Women should work! The '60 had had few major problems, all which affected society and made the present-day what it is currently. Mainly those problems dealt with discrimination against either women, Hispanic Americans, Native Americans and the younger generation. Women's rights were one of the problems in the 1960's. Women desired to be treated like men, at least in the aspect of being able to get the same jobs, equal pay for equal work. They …

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…vegetarian restaurants became popular. Clothes were colorful, beaded, braided, patched, and fringed. Men's clothing became more colorful and women's clothes more comfortable. Long hair was also very popular in the 1960's. Slogans such as "Make America beautiful--give a hippie a haircut" appeared. Schools actually debated on the acceptable length of a student's hair. The most popular category of music was Rock and Roll, although, it did not succeed because rock star's music brought material success.