Discrimination in the Vietnam War

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Essay Database > History
In Vietnam, different cultural and groups of people have faced discrimination, which can seen through the conflict between Chinese and French, the traditional gender habit between men and women, and the class consciousness between rich people and the poor people. In the novel, "The Lover", which wrote by Duras, Marguerite, Chinese has treated unfairly compared to French in Vietnam. Instead of racism, sexism is also current in Vietnam; women have treated unfairly compared to men. …

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…Chinese and the French, the unfair treatment for women in Vietnam society, and the classicism between the poor people and the rich people. In the novel "The Lover", Chinese are treated unfairly and discriminated by the French. Also, the women in that era have no right in the society. Moreover, poor people have been treated unfairly compared to the rich people. Thus, the racism, the sexism, and the classicism has happened around the Vietnam society.