Discrimination in the Military-

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Discrimination in the Military- Yes, the military does have sexual harassment and discrimination against women in the nineties. "Firestone and co-researcher Richard J. Hurns analyzed a 1988 DOD Survey of men and women in the military and found that 51.8 % of men and 74.6% of women reported either experiencing or knowing of sexual harassment. Amoung the women surveyed, 70.1% had experienced "sexual talk or behavior at the work place [that] created an offensive, hostile or intimidating environment." Amoung the …

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…Military." Vol.4. May 1995 2.) Capital Online. "Survey Finds Sexual Harassment in the Navy and Other Services Declines". July 3, 1996 3.) Donegan, Craig. "New Military Culture: do women, blacks, and homosexuals get fair treatment?". CQ Researcher. April 26, 1996 4.) Military Women Profile. "Military Women by the Numbers." September 30, 1995 5.) National Academy Press. "Recommendations for Research on the Health of Military women." September 1995 6.) Navy Times. "Are Women OK as Combatants? Not Really Says Navy Survey." September 4, 1995 7.) Vistica, Gregory L. "Anchors Aweigh." Newsweek. February 5, 1996