"Discrimination continued during World War II despite the patriotism of all groups of Americans." Assess the statement.

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In the early 1930's, war was forming in Europe. Totalitarian dictators were strongly influencing their countries, and those around them. The most prominent dictators consisted of Benito Mussolini of Italy, Josef Stalin of Russia, and Adolf Hitler of Germany. The United States didn't want to get sucked into another war that wasn't their problem, so they proclaimed neutrality with the Neutrality Acts of 1935, 1936, 1937, and later 1939. On December 7, 1941, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii was attacked by Japan, and …

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…ethnic groups were discriminated against during the war because many countries were not acting in our favor. The United States' citizens provided extreme examples of discrimination during the time period on many people, despite the existence of patriotism within the country. The statement saying that discrimination continued during World War II despite the groups of American patriots is true. The discrimination can be noted within the history of the Mexican-Americans, the African-Americans, and the Japanese-Americans.