Discrimination Against Hazara People, what and why it is happening.

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"The Talibs said he was a liar and a thief like all Hazaras and ordered him to get his family out of the house by sundown. Hassan protested. But my neighbor said the Talibs were looking at the big house like - how did he say it? - yes, like 'wolves looking at a flock of sheep.' They told Hassan they would be moving in to protect the house ... Hassan protested again. So they …

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…Runner. New York: Riverhead Trade, 2004. 1-384. Karon, Tony. "Why Afghans Justcan't Get Along." Time 20 Nov. 2001. 13 Dec. 2005 <http://www.time.com/time/nation/printout/0,8816,185438,00.html>. Neuffer, Elizabeth. "Afghan Tribe Backs New Regime." San Francisco Chronicle 28 Dec. 2001. 13 Dec. 2005 <http://www.sfgage.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/chronicle/archive/2001/21/28/MN30001.DTL>. U.S.A. Bureau of South Asian Affairs. U.S. Department of State. Background Note: Afghanistan. Dec. 2005. Dec.-Jan. 2005.