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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
As the world exits a century which saw two World Wars destroy titans and all but decimate entire generations of young men, peaceful relations have become more crucial to maintaining world order and altruism. The nuclear arms race of the Cold War has ended thankfully without war or significant destruction. However, the only way to maintain absolute world peace is the disarmament process. War is an effective method to assert will, but with the advancements …

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…chemical weapons; they are relatively cheap and an effective killer. The CWC requires that all parties that possess chemical weapons destroy their stockpiles by 2007. The Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention(BWC), in 1975, created a ban on the production, trade, development, and stockpiling of toxins or pathogens that have no peaceful purpose was ratified by 138 countries. The U.N., and the world, has a responsibility to disarm itself as greater and greater destruction results from war.