Disabilities act

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Pages: 30
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Essay Database > Literature > English
THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Introduction Barriers to employment, transportation, public accommodations, public services, and telecommunications have imposed staggering economic and social costs on American society and have undermined our well-intentioned efforts to educate, rehabilitate, and employ individuals with disabilities. By breaking down these barriers, the Americans with Disabilities Act will enable society to benefit from the skills and talents of individuals with disabilities, will allow us all to gain from their …

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…public about the Americans with Disabilities Act and organizations that have been funded by the Federal government to provide information through staffed information centers. The agencies and organizations listed are sources for obtaining information about the law's requirements and informal guidance in understanding and complying with the ADA. They are not, and should not be viewed as, sources for obtaining legal advice or legal opinions about your rights or responsibilities under the ADA. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**