"Dirty Pretty Things"

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Essay Database > Entertainment > Movies & Film
The Stephen Frears's film, "Dirty Pretty Things", is a fictional tale that opens one's eyes to aspects of the real world that we never see. The artistic starting point of the film appears to be a genuine outrage over the conditions experienced by the most vulnerable and oppressed layers of society, the often faceless individuals who do the work we find ourselves 'above' doing for ourselves: cab drivers, prostitutes, hotel workers, illegal and 'undocumented' immigrants. …

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…first notable form of this is Julia, a prostitute living in London who frequents the hotel employing Okwe and Senay. The second such example is the heart of most of the drama, the unlawful acquisition of human organs and illegal sale/purchase. However, after all the buildup, while it was entertaining, the conclusion was very predictable coming from Hollywood, and as always, a one-in-a-million scenario in which the underdog good guys come out on top.