Dirk Nowitzki Biography, 4 pages long, details the life of the NBA superstar

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For my immigrant project, I interviewed Dirk Nowitzki. Dirk Nowitzki is the 25 year-old superstar forward/center of the Dallas Mavericks in the National Basketball Association. In order to paint a picture of Dirk in your mind, imagine a man 12 inches taller than the average man with long blonde hair. Dirk stands at just over 7'0 tall, and 240 pounds. Some say he is the next Michael Jordan, just a half-foot taller. Dirk Nowitzki was born in …

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…for the NBA as a newscaster. Dirk cut his hair very short in 2002, and auctioned it off, sending the profits to aid breast cancer research, a highly worthy cause. Along his journey to becoming one of the NBA's best young stars, he has overcome the stereotype of Europeans being to "soft" to play in the NBA. While immigrants are common in the NBA, few have achieved the status of Dirk Nowitzki, a truly successful immigrant.