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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
About a month ago things were roling along pretty smoothly in the life of Dionysus. Family life was going aight, school was aight, friends were sweet and rugby had just started for the season. There were the usual worries of everyday life, but Dionysus felt in control of his life. We all love that feeling don't we; when we feel like everything's under control, it's great. Life though doesn't care much what we think, it …

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…he had once more seen loss as pain and fear. Experience of duality unmasked them and decoded their meassage to him. He was uplifted on a wave of enthusiasm and optimism for he now realised there was no loss, there never is. There is only more learning, more over coming, more up lifting. With every defeat you simply gain more experience and therefore claim it as a victory and another chance at more enlightened experience.